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各ステンシルコンポーネントは、@stencil/core パッケージの @Component() デコレータを記述する必要があります。@Component() デコレータの単純な使用例では、HTMLの tag 名を指定することです。多くの場合、styleUrlstyleUrls も記述しますが、アプリケーションのモードやテーマに応じて、複数の異なるスタイルシートを提供することができます。

styleUrlには、.css ファイルへの相対的なURLを使用します。

import { Component } from '@stencil/core';

  tag: 'todo-list',
  styleUrl: 'todo-list.css'
export class TodoList {



@Component(opts: ComponentOptions) は、すべてのコンポーネントレベルの機能を含む必要なオブジェクトを取得します。 tag名だけが唯一の必須プロパティですが、他にもたくさんのプロパティがあります。

export interface ComponentOptions {
   * Tag name of the web component. Ideally, the tag name must be globally unique,
   * so it's recommended to choose a unique prefix for all your components within the same collection.
   * In addition, tag name must contain a '-'
  tag: string;

   * If `true`, the component will use scoped stylesheets. Similar to shadow-dom,
   * but without native isolation. Defaults to `false`.
  scoped?: boolean;

   * If `true`, the component will use native shadow-dom encapsulation, it will fallback to `scoped` if the browser
   * does not support shadow-dom natively. Defaults to `false`.
   * If an object literal containing `delegatesFocus` is provided, the component will use native shadow-dom
   * encapsulation. When `delegatesFocus` is set to `true`, the component will have `delegatesFocus: true` added to its
   * shadow DOM. When `delegatesFocus` is `true` and a non-focusable part of the component is clicked:
   * - the first focusable part of the component is given focus
   * - the component receives any available `focus` styling
   * Setting `delegatesFocus` to `false` will not add the `delegatesFocus` property to the shadow DOM and therefore
   * will have the focusing behavior described for `shadow: true`.
  shadow?: boolean | { delegatesFocus: boolean };

   * Relative URL to some external stylesheet file. It should be a `.css` file unless some
   * external plugin is installed like `@stencil/sass`.
  styleUrl?: string;

   * Similar as `styleUrl` but allows one to specify different stylesheets for different modes.
  styleUrls?: string[] | d.ModeStyles;

   * String that contains inlined CSS instead of using an external stylesheet.
   * The performance characteristics of this feature are the same as using an external stylesheet.
   * Notice, you can't use sass, or less, only `css` is allowed using `styles`, use `styleUrl` if you need more advanced features.
  styles?: string;

   * Array of relative links to folders of assets required by the component.
  assetsDirs?: string[];

   * @deprecated Use `assetsDirs` instead
  assetsDir?: string;




import { Component, Prop, h } from '@stencil/core'

  tag: 'my-embedded-component'
export class MyEmbeddedComponent {
  @Prop() color: string = 'blue';

  render() {
    return (
      <div>My favorite color is {this.color}</div>
import { Component, h } from '@stencil/core';

  tag: 'my-parent-component'
export class MyParentComponent {

  render() {
    return (
        <my-embedded-component color="red"></my-embedded-component>

my-parent-component は、関数 render()my-embedded-component への参照を含みます。
